Awards and Recognition
We are thankful to our clients for always supporting us. It is an honour to have received strong recognition and industry awards that acknowledge the quality of our services and our ceaseless efforts in providing financial solutions to our customers. We will remain dedicated to upholding a high standard of performance enabling us to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Hong Kong Economic Journal
Financial Services Awards of Excellence 2020

Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia
IFTA Fintech Achievement Award 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
As a strong believer in CSR, BIBO has great passion for serving the community and has since 2005 promoted family-friendly measures.
On top of caring for our society and the environment, we value our employees. We hire people with disabilities in hopes of fostering social integration of the physically handicapped and the able-bodied. We have set up a volunteer team as part of our support to meaningful social causes.
Our CSR programmes have gained external appreciation and won various awards from multiple organisations.

Hong Kong Council of Social Service
15 Years+ Caring Company 2008-2024

Business Environment Council Limited and
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
HSBC Living Business Award 2010, 2012-2016, 2018-2021, 2023

The Mirror Magazine
Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2014-2022

Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and Hong Kong Productivity Council
5Years+ Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme – Happy Organisation 2016-2024

Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
Good MPF Employer 2019-2023

Labour Department
Signatory of the Good Employer Charter and Family-friendly Good Employer 2020

Environmental Campaign Committee and Environment and Ecology Bureau
HKGOC – Energywi$e Certificate 2020-2024 and Wastewi$e Certificate 2020-2023

Environmental Campaign Committee and Environment and Ecology Bureau
Hong Kong Green Organization 2022-2024

Hong Kong Arbitration Society
Harmony HK – Certification of Appreciation 2024

Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Labour and Welfare Bureau and District Councils in Hong Kong
18 Districts Caring Employers Award for 10 consecutive years 2008-2017

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2011, 2013, 2016, 2019

The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon
Smoke-Free Company Logo 2013-2016, 2023-2024

Family Council
Family-Friendly Employers Award 2013-2018

Labour and Welfare Bureau
Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme
Partnering Inclusive Organisation 2013-2020

Navigator Life Planning and Development Company Limited
2018-19 躍動領航計劃支持及嘉許